Flexbone Triple Option Offense Core Values: In the running game, we want, above all else, to take advantage of every opportunity to pitch the ball on the edge.

Flexbone Triple Option Offense Core Values: In the running game, we want, above all else, to take advantage of every opportunity to pitch the ball on the edge.

There are four phases to the Triple Option…. Really… Four…. 1- The Dive 2- The Keep 3- The Pitch 4- The Pass If these four phases are executed with accurate, urgent obedience, the best defensive schemes in the world are worthless. Easy to say–hard to do. When hired as a Head High School Football Coach […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Offense Core Values: We are in this, first and foremost, to throw verticals for touchdowns.

Flexbone Triple Option Offense Core Values: We are in this, first and foremost, to throw verticals for touchdowns.

In the article, Help–I’ve Just Been Hired as a Head Coach and Want to Run the Flexbone Triple Option–Where Do I Start? Step 1- Meet with Your New Players, there are three core values to get across to your new players. The first core value of the Flexbone Triple Option Offense is the following: We are in this, […]

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Help–I’ve Just Been Hired as a Head Coach and Want to Run the Flexbone Triple Option–Where Do I Start?  Step 1- Meet with Your New Players

Help–I’ve Just Been Hired as a Head Coach and Want to Run the Flexbone Triple Option–Where Do I Start? Step 1- Meet with Your New Players

If you are hired as a High School Head Football Coach–congratulations.  You have joined the 15,000 other High School Head Football Coaches currently in America. Since you want to run the Flexbone Triple Option, you have put yourself in phenomenal position to maximize your offense.  Now, you don’t have to worry about moving defensive linemen […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Offense Coaching- Drilling the Zone Option

Flexbone Triple Option Offense Coaching- Drilling the Zone Option

Academy The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never win a game.  You need to understand why this disconnect occurs to overcome it and win. ______________________________________ “I know many coaches would rather install an offense the […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Versus the Odd Stack Series- Counter Option

Flexbone Triple Option Versus the Odd Stack Series- Counter Option

When running Flexbone Triple Option versus the Odd Stack… if the backside linebacker makes the tackle, run Counter Option. Here is how to run Counter Option versus the Odd Stack… PR- Near Deep Defender PA- Twirl, #3 PT- Veer PG- Base C- Base BG- Scoop #1 BT- Base BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Counter Steps […]

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The Triple Option Football Academy Clinic Comes to Scranton, PA in March

The Triple Option Football Academy Clinic Comes to Scranton, PA in March

Clinic The Triple Option Football Academy Clinic is held March 28-29, 2014 at Lackawanna College in Scranton, PA. Triple Option Football Academy camp directors, college, and high school coaches are present to teach you the authentic Flexbone Triple Option system in an advanced setting. You will learn how to run the high school football Flexbone […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Versus the Odd Stack Series- Rocket Toss

Flexbone Triple Option Versus the Odd Stack Series- Rocket Toss

When running Flexbone Triple Option versus the Odd Stack… if the Playside Inside Linebacker blitzes–run Rocket Toss. Here’s how to run Rocket Toss versus the Odd Stack PR- Near Deep Defender PA- Arc #3 PT,PG- Superscoop C,BG,BT- Scoop BA- Rocket Path BR- Cutoff Q- Rocket Steps B- Zone Away Path Academy The Big Idea in […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Versus the Odd Stack Series- Zone Option

Flexbone Triple Option Versus the Odd Stack Series- Zone Option

When running the Flexbone Triple Option versus the Odd Stack and the 0 technique or Mike make the tackle…. Run Zone Option On Zone Option versus the Odd Stack, the following occurs: PR- Near Deep Defender PA- #3 PT- Veer PG,C,BG,BT- Scoop BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Zone Steps, Pitch #2 B- Zone Path, Block […]

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2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps are Designed to Create the High-Performance Environment

2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps are Designed to Create the High-Performance Environment

About American Football Sports Science-Mental Conditioning Academy (AFSSMCA, LLC) and Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Lou Cella, is an 18-year coaching veteran of the college and high school level.   _____________________ As former owner of the highly-successful Flexbone Association from 2010-2013, Lou assisted in the turnaround of numerous high school football programs through his Flexbone […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Offense Coaching: Drilling Triple Pass Protection

Flexbone Triple Option Offense Coaching: Drilling Triple Pass Protection

Academy The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never win a game.  You need to understand why this disconnect occurs to overcome it and win. ______________________________________ “I know many coaches would rather install an offense the […]

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