Paul Johnson’s Flexbone Offense Procedure in the 1990s

Paul Johnson’s Flexbone Offense Procedure in the 1990s

Here is Paul Johnson’s Flexbone Offense Procedure in the 1990s. Enjoy.

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Subscribe to Dr. Cella’s YouTube Channel for Continual Flexbone Content

Subscribe to Dr. Cella’s YouTube Channel for Continual Flexbone Content


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Tagging “Deuce” versus 2-Technique Slanting B-Gap on Triple Option

Tagging “Deuce” versus 2-Technique Slanting B-Gap on Triple Option


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Paul Johnson’s Spartan Concept

Paul Johnson’s Spartan Concept

This is Paul Johnson’s Spartan Concept. Enjoy.

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Paul Johnson’s Triple Pass Curl-Flat Concept (512/513)

Paul Johnson’s Triple Pass Curl-Flat Concept (512/513)

Here is Paul Johnson’s Triple Pass Curl-Flat Concept (512/513). Enjoy.

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Flexbone Tackles MUST be Mindful AND Lean

Flexbone Tackles MUST be Mindful AND Lean


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Paul Johnson’s Go Concept

Paul Johnson’s Go Concept

This is Paul Johnson’s Go Concept. Enjoy.

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Receiver Split Adjustments on Zone Option

Receiver Split Adjustments on Zone Option


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The Flexbone Offense Yards Per Play Standard

The Flexbone Offense Yards Per Play Standard


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Paul Johnson’s Trips Left, 77 Concept

Paul Johnson’s Trips Left, 77 Concept

Here is Paul Johnson’s Trips Left, 77 Concept. Enjoy.

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