Why the Flexbone Must Always Return to Triple Option

Why the Flexbone Must Always Return to Triple Option

    Video Description: In this video, I discuss a recurring issue I’ve noticed with teams running the Flexbone offense.  This happened with  Army, Navy, Air Force, Georgia Tech, and Kennesaw State. Often, teams get too focused on constraint and complementary plays.  Then they are moving away from the foundational concept of the triple option. […]

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Why the Flexbone Offense Must Always Return to Triple Option

Why the Flexbone Offense Must Always Return to Triple Option

Video Description: In this video, I discuss an issue with teams running Flexbone. Teams like Army, Navy, and Air Force drift away from the triple option. They focus too much on constraint and complementary plays. This shift moves them from the core principles of the offense. When struggles arise, they return to basics. These teams […]

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