August 19, 2016
Paul Johnson Triple Option Tips Backside A-Back _____ Backside A-back’s option route is five yards behind the Quarterback. _____ A-back will take three more steps and turn up with Quarterback. _____ When backside A-back catches the pitch, he will run wherever the blocking seam is. B-Back _____ He is the dive aspect of the […]
August 17, 2016
When running the Triple Option, there are only two stunts the defense can do that can truly effect the Quarterback on Triple Option: 1- Blood Stunt 2- Easy Stunt The following is the procedure when #1 and #2 are on the line of scrimmage. 1- Take the snap. 2- Jump into the A-Gap. 3- Point […]
August 15, 2016
The following is how to teach footwork for Quarterbacks on Triple Option, Triple Pass, Zone Option, and Toss (Rocket and B-Back): Triple Option= Take the snap, JUMP in A-gap, point the ball, give to B unless #1 cancels the B… if so, re-seat the ball, step with PLAYSIDE FOOT, REPLACE #1 and score unless #2 steps at […]
July 6, 2016
In this podcast, Dr. Cella provides step-by-step instruction on how the Quarterback is visually conditioned for the two biggest challenges he faces as a Triple Option Quarterback–the Blood Stunt and the EZ (Easy) Stunt. Dr. Cella goes step-by-step through exactly what the Quarterback does to dominate these two stunts. Once these two stunts are cancelled, […]
June 22, 2016
In this podcast, Dr. Cella discusses the exact footwork for all Quarterbacks who run the Triple Option, Zone Option, Rocket Toss, and Triple Option Pass. The degree of each step and the inches covered on each step are discussed. Triple Option Quarterbacks must possess exact footwork to maximize their movement and accuracy. In addition, the […]
June 4, 2016
Understanding the Triple Option B-Back, Offensive Line, and Quarterback Positions from the Player’s Perspective are four interviews done by Dr. Cella. These interviews get in depth with the players that actually played the position. Here, the players discuss how they played the specific positions and how they excelled doing so. Vince Murray started in 2009-2010 […]
March 9, 2016