Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Reasons Why You Utilize the Heavy Formation

Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Reasons Why You Utilize the Heavy Formation

The following are the reasons why you utilize the Heavy formation: 1. Gain a one-gap advantage when the defense aligns with a one-high safety and a 0 technique. 2. Double team (Ace) the zero technique on Triple Option because you have an extra playside defender. 3. If the defense does not bring the extra defender […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Reasons Why You Utilize the Over Formation

Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Reasons Why You Utilize the Over Formation

The following are the reasons why you utilize the over formation: 1. Versus one-high safety defenses, the defense must declare what they are doing. 2. The defense must bring over one defender to compensate for the receiver you just brought over. 3. If they bring somebody over, run to the nub because #2 becomes the […]

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The ONE Thing about Your Center: Flexbone Triple Option Offense

The ONE Thing about Your Center: Flexbone Triple Option Offense

Here’s the ONE thing about Your Center in the Flexbone Triple Option Offense… He better be your best offensive lineman. No offensive lineman blocks more at the point of attack than the Flexbone Triple Option Center. He is the player responsible for making the dive go on the Triple and the Midline. He must base […]

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Here’s Why You Never Doubt Your Status as a Triple Option Coach…

Here’s Why You Never Doubt Your Status as a Triple Option Coach…

Have you started doubting your decision to run the Triple Option? Are you wondering what all these people are thinking when you call Solid Rebel on 4th and 1 and get stuffed? Are  you wondering what all these people are thinking when your backside guard is lax on his scoop block, allowing the backside linebacker to run […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Blocking: Triple Pass Protection Drill

Flexbone Triple Option Blocking: Triple Pass Protection Drill

Academy The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never win a game.  You need to understand why this disconnect occurs to overcome it and win. ______________________________________ “I know many coaches would rather install an offense the […]

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Coaching the Triple Option: Veer In Drill

Coaching the Triple Option: Veer In Drill

This drill should be utilized with Guards and Tackles as Guards Veer inside on Midline and Tackles Veer inside with an “Ace” call on Triple.   ___________________ Academy The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Offense Playbook: Triple Pass A-Drag

Flexbone Triple Option Offense Playbook: Triple Pass A-Drag

The Triple Pass A-Drag is designed to take advantage of the Playside Inside Linebacker tackling the B-back on Triple or Midline.   Here, the receiver runs a vertical–if there was two safeties, he would run a skinny post. The Playside A-back runs 12 yards and drags inside.  He should expect the ball on the break. […]

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Flexbone and Triple Option Football: Your Investment Separates You from Everybody Else

Flexbone and Triple Option Football: Your Investment Separates You from Everybody Else

1. Coaches must implement a proactive approach to all areas of the offense: Quarterbacks Coach- Demand accurate reads on #1 and #2 every, single play. B-Backs Coach- Demands that the action key is read accurately on every play. A-Backs Coach- Demands accurate identification and finish on #3 while demanding accurate and parallel pitch route from […]

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Flexbone Triple Option Blocking versus the Odd Stack

Flexbone Triple Option Blocking versus the Odd Stack

Versus the Odd Stack the Playside Tackle veers to the third level and blocks the free safety. The Playside Guard bases the Mike. The Center veers past the 0 technique and blocks the first linebacker that shows (Mike to Backside Inside Linebacker). The Backside Guard scoops the 0 techique. The Backside Tackle scoops through the […]

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Three Ways to Create Your Very Own “Hogs” with the Flexbone Triple Option

Three Ways to Create Your Very Own “Hogs” with the Flexbone Triple Option

The best way to create a productive, year-in-and-year-out offensive line is to stop blocking everyone and let the quarterback and B-back read your way out while mastering a few blocking drills. ___________________________________________ 1-Allow the quarterback to read the defensive lineman aligned on the playside tackle. -If there is a defensive lineman aligned on the outside […]

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