Offensive Video of Georgia Tech Scoring 65 Points Versus Tulane in 2015

Offensive Video of Georgia Tech Scoring 65 Points Versus Tulane in 2015

Want to see how to have a high-performance offense?  Georgia Tech scores 65 points versus Tulane right here.

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Video of the University of Alabama Preparing for the Triple Option Offense

Video of the University of Alabama Preparing for the Triple Option Offense

Watch what Alabama did to prepare for the Triple Option right here.

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Running Zone Option in 8-Man Triple Option Football

Running Zone Option in 8-Man Triple Option Football

When running the Triple Option Offense in 8-man football, if the offense doesn’t get four yards on a give to the B-Back, run Zone Option.  If the defense won’t allow the Quarterback to pull the ball, the offense manufactures the pull.   Here is the Zone Option in action: On Zone Option the Playside End […]

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The Two Concepts Navy Utilized to Move the Football When Keenan Reynolds was Quarterback

The Two Concepts Navy Utilized to Move the Football When Keenan Reynolds was Quarterback

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How to Run Zone Option Check

How to Run Zone Option Check

If the Triple Option Offense runs Triple and does not get four yards on the give to the B-Back, run Zone Option. However, an ongoing issue is running Zone Option versus a 3-technique. All the college programs that run Zone Option have had issues with running Zone Option to a 3-technique.  Therefore, if the defense […]

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Coach Paul Johnson’s On-Video Description of the Triple Option Offense

Coach Paul Johnson’s On-Video Description of the Triple Option Offense

Watch the video of Coach Johnson’s description right here.

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The Best Counter Play for Triple Option Programs in 2017

The Best Counter Play for Triple Option Programs in 2017

Navy ran a ton of this in 2016… See what “this” is right here.

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Is the Defense Stemming During the Cadence?  Then, Run “Freeze.”

Is the Defense Stemming During the Cadence? Then, Run “Freeze.”

Learn how to run “Freeze” right here.

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You Want to Personally Coach All 11 Positions in the Triple Option Offense? Part Three of How to Do This is Right Here

You Want to Personally Coach All 11 Positions in the Triple Option Offense? Part Three of How to Do This is Right Here

You Want to Personally Coach All 11 Positions in the Triple Option Offense? Part Three of How to Do This is Right Here.

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You Want to Personally Coach All 11 Positions in the Triple Option Offense? Part Two of How to Do This is Right Here

You Want to Personally Coach All 11 Positions in the Triple Option Offense? Part Two of How to Do This is Right Here

Want to Personally Coach All 11 Positions in the Triple Option Offense? Part Two of How to Do This is Right Here.

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