How to Run Zone Option Check

How to Run Zone Option Check

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Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Four

Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Four

Read Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Four right here.

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Georgia Tech’s Counter Keep versus 4-3

Georgia Tech’s Counter Keep versus 4-3

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Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Three

Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Three

Read Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Three right here.

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2017 Army West Point Triple Option Breakdown Versus Temple

2017 Army West Point Triple Option Breakdown Versus Temple

Army West Point- 31 v. Temple- 28 F/OT Army West Point Offense total plays run- 70 56% of Army West Point’s Offense was the following: Dropback Pass- 12; Zone Dive- 10; Triple Option- 6; Zone Option- 6; Midline Lead- 5 The other 44% of Army West Point’s Offense was the following: Trap- 4; Counter Option- […]

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Executing the Triple Option Offense Without Huddling

Executing the Triple Option Offense Without Huddling

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Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Two

Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Two

Read Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part Two right here.  

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Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part One

Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part One

Read Paul Johnson’s Teaching Sequence: Part One right here.

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For Triple Option Programs: Instead of After-Practicing Conditioning, Try This…

For Triple Option Programs: Instead of After-Practicing Conditioning, Try This…

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Reading the 2i with Midline Triple

Reading the 2i with Midline Triple

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