Paul Johnson’s Triple Option Runner Checklist

Paul Johnson’s Triple Option Runner Checklist

Paul Johnson Triple Option Tips Backside A-Back _____ Backside A-back’s option route is five yards behind the Quarterback. _____ A-back will take three more steps and turn up with Quarterback. _____ When backside A-back catches the pitch, he will run wherever the blocking seam is. B-Back _____ He is the dive aspect of the play. […]

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Do These FOUR Things Before You Install The Triple Option

Do These FOUR Things Before You Install The Triple Option

Step 1 Give your players the Triple Option Offense Core Values (the WHY) Step 2 Hire Assistant Coaches for the Triple Option Offense (Loyal and obedient mature adults) Step 3 Order Equipment for the Triple Option Offense (five discs, five hand shields, a heavy bag, and footballs) Step 4 Educate the coaches on all 14 […]

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Navy Run Game Coordinator, Ashley Ingram at the AFCA Convention

Navy Run Game Coordinator, Ashley Ingram at the AFCA Convention

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Breaking Down #19 Army’s 2018 Offense

Breaking Down #19 Army’s 2018 Offense

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Navy Averaged 10.4 Yards/Carry on __________ in 2016

Navy Averaged 10.4 Yards/Carry on __________ in 2016

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The Time Navy Beat #6 Houston with Speed Option

The Time Navy Beat #6 Houston with Speed Option

Navy’s first score on October 8, 2016 was Speed Option away from motion.  This is a concept that Navy has not utilized very often since Ivin Jasper became full-time Offensive Coordinator in 2008. Houston was aligned in an Eagle Defense with a Mike and a Spyback behind the Mike.  They were playing Press Man coverage. […]

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Over 1000 Plays Have Just Been Uploaded for Triple Option Football Academy Clients

Over 1000 Plays Have Just Been Uploaded for Triple Option Football Academy Clients

Dr. Cella’s last two camps were filmed in their entirety. This means over 1000 plays occurred during the two, three-day camps. Clients can see the Triple Option and Zone Option installed and executed by players, at game speed, at these two schools. In additions, clients can see the installation and execution of the Triple Pass, […]

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Running Triple Option to the Nub v. The Odd Stack

Running Triple Option to the Nub v. The Odd Stack

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Four Reasons Why the Flexbone Triple Option Gives You the Best Chance for Success

Four Reasons Why the Flexbone Triple Option Gives You the Best Chance for Success

Here are the four reasons why the Triple Option gives High School Football programs the best chance for success. 1- You don’t have to block defensive linemen. 2- The opposing defense has three quality practices to prepare. 3- The Triple forces defenses to play assignment football. 4- The Triple develops TEAM first, unselfish attitude. This […]

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Proper Alignment for the Double Flex Formation

Proper Alignment for the Double Flex Formation

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