Navy’s Four Principles of Flexbone Triple Football

Navy’s Four Principles of Flexbone Triple Football

Navy’s principles of Triple Option Football are described by the following: 1- Out work everyone. Players are willing to kneebend, go to the ground, and do it without stress. 2- Be tougher than everyone. Players are strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling. 3. Have great discipline. The Triple Option system the […]

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Bud Wilkinson’s Coaching Philosophy

Bud Wilkinson’s Coaching Philosophy

3 National Championships & 47 consecutive wins at Oklahoma: BUD WILKINSON THOUGHTS & QUOTES From Legendary Virginia High School Football Coach, Bill Mountjoy COMMON COACHING ERRORS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM By: Bud Wilkinson GENERAL COMMENTS: The best coach is the one who makes the fewest mistakes; the one who does the best teaching job; […]

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Flexbone Triple “If-Then” for 2019

Flexbone Triple “If-Then” for 2019

When I developed the original if-then playcalling list back in 2008, the list was based on conversations with several of the Johnson family of coaches. Since then, the process has been greatly oversimplified. Run Triple IF you get four yards on Triple THEN run Triple again. IF you don’t get four yards on a give, […]

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This is Why You Keep a Receiver on the Backside of the Heavy Formation

This is Why You Keep a Receiver on the Backside of the Heavy Formation

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President Trump Honors Army’s 2018 Football Team at the White House

President Trump Honors Army’s 2018 Football Team at the White House

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Why Block their Defensive Linemen?

Why Block their Defensive Linemen?

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Creating a Culture of Perfect Ball Security in Your Flexbone Triple Option Program

Creating a Culture of Perfect Ball Security in Your Flexbone Triple Option Program

In this podcast episode, Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella discusses the process of how to condition perfect ball security for Triple Option Football ball handlers.  A few years ago, New England Patriots Head Football Coach, Bill Belichick stated the following at the University of Florida Football Coaches’ Clinic: “As a Coach, you decide who […]

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Army’s New Assistant and His Offensive Philosophy

Army’s New Assistant and His Offensive Philosophy

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If Your O-Line Concerns You Right Now… Read This

If Your O-Line Concerns You Right Now… Read This

Here’s what Army does with their Triple Option Offense: If the Defense aligns with a 2-technique or wider, you cancel him from ever making the tackle–with the Triple Option. The Quarterback reads Defensive Linemen and always makes them wrong in whatever they decide to do. When Triple Option / Midline Triple Option is run to the right, […]

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Spend 80% on Your Triple Option Practice Time Facing This

Spend 80% on Your Triple Option Practice Time Facing This

My clients face this situation nearly 80% on the time, and this is based on a 10-year study. –Dr. Cella Watch here:

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