The 7 Situations for the Playside Tackle on Triple Option

The 7 Situations for the Playside Tackle on Triple Option


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Beating Cover 3 with Four Verts

Beating Cover 3 with Four Verts


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Dr. Cella’s 7 Favorite Flexbone Offensive Concepts of All-Time

Dr. Cella’s 7 Favorite Flexbone Offensive Concepts of All-Time


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Triple Option Perimeter Blocking from Spread and Flex

Triple Option Perimeter Blocking from Spread and Flex


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The Single-High Safety is NOT an Automatic Load Scheme on Triple Option

The Single-High Safety is NOT an Automatic Load Scheme on Triple Option


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Executing Freeze and Then Running Triple Option

Executing Freeze and Then Running Triple Option


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Coaching Triple Option Without Assistant Coaches

Coaching Triple Option Without Assistant Coaches


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Why Is The Play Called ZONE Option?  Here’s the History…

Why Is The Play Called ZONE Option? Here’s the History…


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Achieve Flexbone Mastery in 20 Hours

Achieve Flexbone Mastery in 20 Hours

The average high school football team runs 48 plays/game on offense. High school football games last 48 minutes. If you run 1200 plays before your first game, this equals 25 games, and your team just accomplished 20 hours of deliberate practice. Once you get to 20 hours of deliberate practice, you’ve achieved mastery and are […]

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Hitting Horizontal Home Runs in the Flexbone

Hitting Horizontal Home Runs in the Flexbone


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