How Romans 12:2 Applies to the Flexbone Triple Option Offense

How Romans 12:2 Applies to the Flexbone Triple Option Offense


Romans 12:2 states, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” While this passage speaks to the spiritual transformation of individuals, its principles can also apply to the unique world of football coaching, specifically when it comes to running the Flexbone Triple Option offense.

The Flexbone Triple Option is not your typical football system. In fact, it goes against much of the conventional wisdom in modern football, which is often dominated by pass-heavy offenses and spread formations. Coaches who choose to implement the Flexbone are often seen as unconventional, daring, and willing to challenge the norms in pursuit of success. In many ways, this mirrors the message of Romans 12:2—those who break from worldly patterns and adopt a renewed mindset are capable of achieving results others may not expect.

1. Breaking Away from Conventional Wisdom

Romans 12:2 encourages individuals to avoid conforming to the pattern of the world. In football, this translates into not automatically following the latest trends or popular strategies. The Flexbone Triple Option is a system that runs counter to the pass-heavy, fast-paced offenses that dominate the landscape today. Coaches who embrace the Flexbone resist the urge to conform and instead adopt a disciplined, methodical, and highly effective approach to moving the football.

Choosing the Flexbone means stepping away from the mainstream and embracing a strategy that focuses on precision, execution, and leveraging the strengths of your team, regardless of its size or talent level. Just as Paul urged early Christians to think differently about the world around them, Flexbone coaches must think differently about how to approach the game. They are willing to trust in their preparation and execution over flashiness and big plays, much like the renewed mind that seeks a higher purpose.

2. A Renewed Mindset for Success

One of the keys to the Flexbone offense is its complexity and need for constant adjustment. Coaches running this system must have a renewed mindset, one focused on discipline, patience, and long-term development. In Romans 12:2, transformation comes from the renewal of the mind, and that’s exactly what happens when a coach commits to mastering the Flexbone. The system requires a deep understanding of every player’s role, precise execution, and the ability to adjust on the fly based on the defense.

Much like a renewed spiritual life, success in the Flexbone doesn’t happen overnight. It requires daily commitment, constant learning, and trust in the system. Coaches who embrace the Flexbone Triple Option know that if they can transform the mindset of their players and themselves, they can achieve something special, even if the world around them says it won’t work. This transformation of thought is the foundation for success in this offense.

3. Testing and Proving What Works

The latter part of Romans 12:2 speaks to the ability to test and approve God’s will once the mind has been renewed. In football, this translates into seeing the fruits of your labor once you have committed to a new way of thinking. The Flexbone is often met with skepticism, but those who trust the process and run it effectively often find that it produces results far beyond expectations.

Coaches who refuse to conform and instead renew their minds to embrace this system often prove that it can succeed, even when others doubt its effectiveness. The Flexbone has been proven time and time again at various levels of football, but only by those willing to commit fully to its intricacies. Just as Romans 12:2 promises clarity in God’s will, the Flexbone reveals its power when fully tested and executed, showcasing how discipline and faith in a system can produce victory.

Conclusion: A Perfect Fit for Non-Conforming Coaches

Coaches who are willing to step outside the box and resist the temptation to follow popular trends are perfect candidates for the Flexbone Triple Option offense. Like the message in Romans 12:2, the Flexbone requires a transformation of mindset—a commitment to a system that demands discipline, patience, and precision. Those who run it will find that by not conforming to the pattern of this world, they can test, prove, and ultimately succeed with a strategy that defies conventional football logic.

In a world of passing offenses and quick strikes, the Flexbone offers a path for those who are willing to renew their minds, trust the process, and transform their teams into disciplined, effective, and victorious units.
