How Much Do You Know about the Counter Option? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

How Much Do You Know about the Counter Option? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

The following 10 questions involve the Counter Option concept in the Triple Option Offense: 1- What is the responsibility of the Playside Receiver? 2- What is the responsibility of the Playside A? 3- What is the responsibility of the Playside Tackle? 4- What is the responsibility of the Playside Guard? 5- What is the responsibility […]

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How to Train SMART when Running the Triple Option

How to Train SMART when Running the Triple Option

A Triple Option Football program’s optimal training and performance depends on the development and monitoring of a solid and detailed strategy. The following is a detailed four-point training plan for athletes that includes: 1- Structured Practice. Practice must have the same daily format. 2- Structured Physical Training. The Scoop, Veer, Ace, Fan, Base, Slide, and […]

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Three Sports Performance Tips to Help you through the Triple Option Process

Three Sports Performance Tips to Help you through the Triple Option Process

Rule 1: Simplicity. Focus on concrete, specific actions, selecting bottom-line strategies. If you’re an A-Back, for instance, your cues might be “Dropstep-Crossover-Run” (Playside) and “Hammer-Step-Drive” (Backside). Rule 2: Positivity. The thought of failure makes people anxious and fearful.  When you, the A-Back tell yourself not to do something–“Don’t drop the pitch”–you’re actually reminding yourself of […]

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Five Reasons Why The Quarterback is a Position of Service in the Triple Option

Five Reasons Why The Quarterback is a Position of Service in the Triple Option

The Quarterback serves his Triple Option Offense. By reading #1 and pitching #2, the Quarterback makes everybody else do their job easier.  The Quarterback is doing two jobs for the price of one.  He is making two people miss, so the offense can have a 10-on-9 matchup. Here are the reasons why the Quarterback is […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Zone Option versus 4-3 Cover 2

Triple Option Football Academy Playbook: Zone Option versus 4-3 Cover 2

The Zone Option is the top constraint in the Triple Option Offense. When the Mike or the Action Key are making the tackle on Triple/Midline, the ball needs to the perimeter. The Zone Option rules always stay the same. Playside Receiver- Near Deep Defender Playside A- #3-Down (v. 5-technique) Playside Tackle– Veer (Outside UNLESS 5-technique = […]

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Seven Principles for Dealing with Triple Option Haters

Seven Principles for Dealing with Triple Option Haters

1. It doesn’t matter how many people don’t get it. What matters is how many people do. As long as you’re accomplishing your objectives with the Triple Option, the haters will possess a cascading effect–and then they don’t matter. 2. 10% of people will find a way to take anything personally.  Expect it. NEVER respond […]

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Here’s the New Year’s Resolution for your Triple Option Football Program

Here’s the New Year’s Resolution for your Triple Option Football Program

I ask that all coaches who run the Triple Option make ONE New Year’s Resolution for 2014. Just one…. because this is the ONE resolution that will help your program. This resolution is the following: Run Triple Option at least 40 percent of the time in 2014. That’s it. Now, when I mean run Triple […]

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10 Vital Drills for the Triple Option Offensive Process

10 Vital Drills for the Triple Option Offensive Process

The following are the necessary drills to build the Triple Option Offensive Process. Drills 1- Ball Security Circuit 2- Skill Triple/Midline Drill 3- Skill Constraint Drill (Zone Option, Rocket, Counter, Follow, Triple Pass, Vert, Sprint) 4- O Line Scoop Drill 5- O Line Veer Drill 6- O Line Base Drill 7- O Line Ace/Fan Drill […]

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The Sports Science of Triple Option Football

The Sports Science of Triple Option Football

The following is the Sports Science of Triple Option Football.  This is a  list of all the physical techniques that must be practiced, analyzed, and practiced again. Fundamentals Quarterback B-Back A-Back Receiver Center Guard Tackle               Triple Steps Veer Path Arc Near Deep Veer Base Veer Mid Steps Mid […]

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10 Steps to Building a Winning Process with the Triple Option Offense

10 Steps to Building a Winning Process with the Triple Option Offense

Coaches need to identify strategies that reinforce the process. The following is recommended for building a winning process with the Triple Option Offense. Step 1: Get the right Quarterback.  Find a 4.0 student who lives a responsible lifestyle. Step 2: Be the model for the attitude you want.  Extreme conviction toward all the physical techniques […]

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