January 10, 2014
Well, it’s rather simple. If the offense brings one person over from one side to the another, naturally the defense would too, right? This happens far less than one would think. Against one-high safety defenses, Over Brown is a fantastic way to devastate the teams that fail to bring someone Over when the offense brings […]
January 10, 2014
When placed in 3rd and short situations, the following is how to best get the first down in the Triple Option Offense: Quarterback Sneak out of Heavy or Spread is a viable 3rd and short concept as well… especially in two-down territory. This is the thought process best utilized when running […]
December 12, 2013
Triple Option Football Academy 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella
October 13, 2013
Triple Option can be run away from Trips when the defense brings over an extra defender to compensate for the extra defense over which the offense brings. PR- Near Deep Defender PT- Veer PG/C- Ace BG/BT- Scoop BA- Pitch MBA/BWR- Cutoff Q- Veer #1, Pitch #2 B- Veer Path