January 8, 2014
Triple Option Coaches—are you mentally tough? Today, more than ever, you are challenged like no other job. Because you are involved in an emotional activity with obsessed, passionate, and fanatical people, you are challenged more than ever. Triple Option Football Coaches today, need more work on mental growth and toughness than how to run the […]
January 8, 2014
When Triple Option is called and a 3-technique plus a safety appear to the call side, the Triple defaults to Lead (Midline Double). The following is the Quarterback’s progression on Lead (Midline Double): 1- Take the snap. 2- Seat the ball. 3- Hop both feet into the backside A-gap. 4- Point the ball. 5- Give […]
January 8, 2014
The following are Triple Option Offensive concepts executed versus the Bear Defense: Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella
January 8, 2014
On Triple Option, the Playside A-Back’s assignment is #3. He dropstep-crossover-runs and blocks whoever shows up in the alley (this is #3) UNLESS… #3 is already in the middle of the field pre-snap. If this occurs, the Playside A-Back LOADS #3. Here is the Playside A-Back’s Process on Triple Option. This is why the count […]
January 7, 2014
The following is a Triple Option Offensive Drill Compilation: Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella
January 7, 2014
You have decided that you would like to implement a quality program within your Triple Option Football Program. This article is intended to give you a top-level implementation plan for quality within your Triple Option Football Program. 1. Ensure Assistant Coach Buy-in Quality is led from the top down and implemented from the bottom up. […]
January 7, 2014
A New and Better Method to Maximize Triple Option Offensive Success If you want to see your players execute the complete Triple Option in action, Dr. Cella’s 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps are the perfect companion to the Academy. Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football Academy Camps provide a complete installation of all the fundamentals, […]
January 7, 2014
Playbook This is one sample of the HUNDREDS of diagrams within the Triple Option Football Academy Interactive Playbook. This is one sample of the HUNDREDS of diagrams within the Triple Option Football Academy Interactive Playbook. The Triple Option Football Academy has an interactive playbook for all clients. There are over 20 concepts are included in […]
January 7, 2014
The quiz can be found here. 1- Through the Playside Guard 2- Through the Center 3- Alley 4- Outside foot of Backside Tackle 5- Through the Playside Guard (shoulders square) 6- Outside foot of Playside Tackle 7- Outside foot of Playside A-Back 8- Outside foot of Playside Tackle 9- Through the Playside Guard 10- Through […]
January 7, 2014
The following 10 questions are designed to see how much you know about where the B-Back goes in each of the Triple Option concepts: 1- What is the B-Back’s landmark on Triple Option? 2- What is the B-Back’s landmark on Midline Option? 3- What is the B-Back’s landmark on Zone Option? 4- What is the […]