December 21, 2013
When Triple Option is called and a 3-technique aligns to the call side, the Triple Option is moved in one hole and defaulted to Zoom (Midline Triple). The Rules for Zoom are the following: Playside Receiver- Near Deep Defender Playside A- Twirl, #3 Playside Tackle- Veer Playside Guard- Veer Center/Backside Guard- Ace Backside Tackle- Scoop […]
December 21, 2013
Join the Triple Option Football Academy Facebook page right here. Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Lou Cella — The Perfect Companion to the Academy
December 21, 2013
The Triple Option Offensive Line plays nearly 50 percent of the role in the offensive process. We need them to lead our football program. Here is the process on how Triple Option Offensive Linemen can lead your football program. 1- Positive self-life. Speak to players in a positive, but non-enabling tone. 2- Work through adverse […]
December 21, 2013
The following are running-game drills utilized by Triple Option Skill Positions during practice. Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Lou Cella — The Perfect Companion to the Academy
December 20, 2013
Work with Dr. Cella-Camps A New and Better Method to Maximize Triple Option Offensive Success If you want to see your players execute the complete Triple Option in action, Dr. Cella’s 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps are the perfect companion to the Academy. Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football Academy Camps provide a complete installation of […]
December 19, 2013
The Quiz can be found here. 1- Near Deep Defender 2- Twirl, #3 3- Easy Veer-Deucecom 4- Base-Deucecom-Down 5- Base-Down 6- Scoop #1 7- Base 8- Pitch 9- Counter Steps–Pitch #2 10- Veer Away Path Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches
December 19, 2013
The following 10 questions involve the Counter Option concept in the Triple Option Offense: 1- What is the responsibility of the Playside Receiver? 2- What is the responsibility of the Playside A? 3- What is the responsibility of the Playside Tackle? 4- What is the responsibility of the Playside Guard? 5- What is the responsibility […]
December 19, 2013
A Triple Option Football program’s optimal training and performance depends on the development and monitoring of a solid and detailed strategy. The following is a detailed four-point training plan for athletes that includes: 1- Structured Practice. Practice must have the same daily format. 2- Structured Physical Training. The Scoop, Veer, Ace, Fan, Base, Slide, and […]
December 19, 2013
Rule 1: Simplicity. Focus on concrete, specific actions, selecting bottom-line strategies. If you’re an A-Back, for instance, your cues might be “Dropstep-Crossover-Run” (Playside) and “Hammer-Step-Drive” (Backside). Rule 2: Positivity. The thought of failure makes people anxious and fearful. When you, the A-Back tell yourself not to do something–“Don’t drop the pitch”–you’re actually reminding yourself of […]
December 19, 2013
The Quarterback serves his Triple Option Offense. By reading #1 and pitching #2, the Quarterback makes everybody else do their job easier. The Quarterback is doing two jobs for the price of one. He is making two people miss, so the offense can have a 10-on-9 matchup. Here are the reasons why the Quarterback is […]