October 25, 2013
The Offensive Lineman does the following when he scoop blocks without a threat in his gap: 1. Opens at 90 degrees with his playside foot. 2. Runs at 90 degrees. 3. If no threat in his gap, he touches the shoulder of the adjacent Offensive Lineman and turns vertical to second level. 4. He utilizes […]
October 25, 2013
At your 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camp with Dr. Lou Cella, coaches and players learn the following techniques for each position: Fundamentals Quarterback B-Back A-Back Receiver Center Guard Tackle Triple Steps Veer Path Arc Near Deep Veer Base Veer Mid Steps Mid Path Load Cutoff Ace Ace […]
October 25, 2013
This is the skill-position drill utilized when practicing Zoom (also known as Midline Triple) Zoom is utilized when Triple is called and there is a 3-technique aligned to the call side. The play defaults to Zoom. Academy The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem. If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move […]
October 25, 2013
When Triple Option is called and a 3-technique and a playside safety align on the same side as the call… The play defaults to Midline Lead. The reason why is because the Playside Tackle can’t veer into the playside safety because the playside safety is too wide. This would create a 3-on-3, so an extra […]
October 24, 2013
Right here: TripleRant Episode 5-Triple Option Football Academy Podcast __________________________________ In this four-minute episode, Lou Cella, Triple Option Football Academy Owner and Host of the Triple Option Football Academy Podcast, rants about the three goals of the Triple Option Offense. __________________________________
October 24, 2013
Before the 2011 season, Hollister San Benito HS (CA) had not won their conference championship, the TCAL, in seven (7) years. In 2011, after running a camp with Lou Cella as Camp Director, Hollister San Benito HS (CA) won the TCAL Conference Championship, went undefeated in conference play, and made it to the CIF Division 1 Quarterfinals. […]
October 24, 2013
On 3rd and 10, a popular concept utilized by Paul Johnson is the Sprint Pass. The mission here is to bind the flat player. The Quarterback sprints out and throws the outside comeback (receiver vertical for 16 yards… comes back to 14 yards) to the Receiver UNLESS the flat player plays the comeback…. if so, […]
October 24, 2013
Ordering equipment for the Triple Option Offense. You will not require much equipment to practice and execute the Triple Option Offense; however, here is what you do need: 1. Footballs 2. Five discs- For all skill position drills. 3. Flat agility bags (for ball security circuit)- if you have one for every two skill players, […]
October 24, 2013
Flexbone Triple Option Playbook: Triple Option versus 5-3 Double Eagle with 2 Techniques Triple Option v. 5-3 Double Eagles (with 2 techniques) PR- Near Deep Defender PA- #3 (Load) PT- Veer (straight-ahead release because uncovered) PG, C- Ace BG, BT- Scoop BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff Q- Veer #1 (there is no #1), Pitch #2 (Quarterback […]
October 24, 2013
Lou Cella, Owner of the Triple Option Football Academy is currently writing his doctoral dissertation entitled, “How the Pareto Principle Improves Coaching Performance.” In 2014, Lou becomes Dr. Cella, Sports Performance Psychologist. The mission of the Triple Option Football Academy is to lead the high-performance football environment by creating teamwork, educational action, anticipation, motivation, leadership, […]