April 15, 2017
You can’t talk your way to a great Triple Option Quarterback. You can’t walk through your way to a great Triple Option Quarterback. You have to give your Triple Option Quarterback continual, full-speed repetitions versus multiple situations. This is what is necessary to expedite the Flexbone Triple Option Quarterback’s development–and you can read about these […]
February 25, 2016
Here is the progression for the Quarterback’s Read on Midline as a double option. 1- Takes the snap. 2- Jumps into the Backside A-gap. 3- Extends his elbows. 4- Gives ball to B-Back unless #1 tackles the B. If so… 5- Quarterback re-seats the ball, replaces the read, and scores. The simplicity of the Quarterback […]
February 22, 2016
Here is the simplest, most effective way for the Quarterback to read the stack on Triple Option. 1- Quarterback takes the snap. 2- Quarterback jumps into the A-gap and extends his elbows. 3- Quarterback gives ball to B-Back unless #2 runs through the B-Back or #1 can tackle the B-Back. If so… 4- Quarterback re-seats […]