September 12, 2017
Georgia Tech- 37 v. Jacksonville State- 10 F Georgia Tech Offense Total Plays- 55 67% (2/3) of the Georgia Tech Offense is the following: Triple Option– 15; Rocket– 7; Follow– 5; Trap– 5; Sprint Pass– 5 Other Plays Run are the following: Dropback Pass- 4; Counter Speed- 3; Outside Veer Give- 2; Triple Pass- 2; Sprint Draw (Eagle)- 1; Counter […]
September 4, 2017
Georgia Tech was leading 14-7 at Half. Plays Run- 43 Follow- 6 (14% of offense) Trap- 5 (11% of offense) Rocket- 4 (9% of offense) Zone Dive- 4 (9% of offense) Other Plays Run Triple- 3; Down (Belly-G)- 3; Midline Lead- 3; Dropback Pass- 3; Counter Option- 2; Sneak- 2; Rocket Pass- 2; QB Draw […]
June 5, 2017
Triple Option playcalling is pretty simple. So get rid of all those “if-then” sheets from those Keyboard Vince Lombardi’s that hang out on Twitter. Army, Navy, and Georgia Tech have a simple playcalling system. Learn how they do this right here.
February 3, 2017
This is what Navy and Georgia Tech have done on the Goal-Line over the last decade. Step 1- They align in the Heavy Formation. Step 2- They run the Follow. Step 3- If the A and B-gaps are plugged, the Quarterback audibles to the Toss.
September 30, 2016
In eight-man football, Rocket Boot Pass is a great way to force the defense to cover all the vertical and underneath zones. There is tremendous difficulty in playing the Triple Option and covering all the appropriate zones. When the Toss is faked, the Quarterback boots and throws to the Left End. If he is covered, […]
September 19, 2016
Georgia Tech scored against Vanderbilt by faking the Rocket and throwing the ball to the B-Back on a wheel route which occurred away from the Rocket action. The Boot-side Receiver ran a skinny post while the B-Back ran his away path and wheeled up the sideline. As this occurred, the Offensive Line base blocked. The […]
September 12, 2016
In 2016, Navy has run 113 plays. Sixty-two percent (62%) of Navy’s 2016 offense is right here: Triple Option- 23 (20% of offense) 2. Midline Triple- 12 (11% of offense) 3. Zone Option- 10 (9% of offense) 4. Rocket- 9 (8% of offense) 5. Triple Pass- 8 (7% of offense) 6. Midline White- 8 (7% […]
June 22, 2016
In this podcast, Dr. Cella discusses the exact footwork for all Quarterbacks who run the Triple Option, Zone Option, Rocket Toss, and Triple Option Pass. The degree of each step and the inches covered on each step are discussed. Triple Option Quarterbacks must possess exact footwork to maximize their movement and accuracy. In addition, the […]
May 28, 2016
OVER THE LAST TWO SEASONS, Navy and Georgia Tech have increased the frequency that they are running the B-Back Toss. This concept has been helpful to both of these Triple Option college programs. The reason why is that the B-Back Toss occurs at the same width as the Rocket Toss and by tossing the ball to the B-Back, […]