May 10, 2019
This quiz is designed to get you to identify who is the action key, #1, #2, #3, and the Near Deep Defender on the 4-3 Defense. Here goes… The first five questions pertain to the left side if Triple Left was called. 1- IDENTIFY the action key? 2- IDENTIFY#1? 3- IDENTIFY #2? 4- IDENTIFY #3? 5- IDENTIFY the […]
May 10, 2019
The 10 Commandments of Good Football Coaching: A Psychological Perspective For Triple Option Coaches by Dr. Lou Cella, Sport and Performance Psychologist 1. What you do matters. This is one of the most important principles. What you do makes a difference. Your players are watching you. Don’t just react on the spur of the moment. Ask […]
May 10, 2019
Read here:
May 9, 2019
The no-huddle allows the Quarterback to put the Triple Option Offense in the best play call possible. There are three steps on how to run the Triple Option Offense with a basic no-huddle: 1. The Offensive Coach signals in a formation and a playside. 2. The Quarterback knows that Triple is the call UNLESS […]
May 9, 2019
On Midline Lead, the Backside A-back needs to come over from the backside to the playside in order to serve as the extra blocker and lead the way for the Quarterback. He does this during the cadence. 1- The cadence is Down, Ready, Sethut (ball snapped on “S” of sethut) 2- The A-back leaves on […]
May 9, 2019
Part One–Read here: Part Two–Read here:
May 8, 2019
The number one issue I’ve had when working with clients over the last decade is that they want to run so many complimentary plays. Coaches are so interested in running Wing-T concepts like Belly, Down, Buck Sweep, Power, and Jet Sweep to compliment their Triple and Midline Option. Then, there’s the old Split Back Veer coaches who […]
May 8, 2019
Navy’s principles of Triple Option Football are described by the following: 1- Out work everyone. Players are willing to kneebend, go to the ground, and do it without stress. 2- Be tougher than everyone. Players are strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough or careless handling. 3. Have great discipline. The Triple Option system the […]
May 8, 2019
3 National Championships & 47 consecutive wins at Oklahoma: BUD WILKINSON THOUGHTS & QUOTES From Legendary Virginia High School Football Coach, Bill Mountjoy COMMON COACHING ERRORS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM By: Bud Wilkinson GENERAL COMMENTS: The best coach is the one who makes the fewest mistakes; the one who does the best teaching job; […]
May 7, 2019
When I developed the original if-then playcalling list back in 2008, the list was based on conversations with several of the Johnson family of coaches. Since then, the process has been greatly oversimplified. Run Triple IF you get four yards on Triple THEN run Triple again. IF you don’t get four yards on a give, […]