Flexbone Triple Option Football in 2019: The Three Concepts You Must Run

Flexbone Triple Option Football in 2019: The Three Concepts You Must Run

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Executing Zone Option versus the Triple Stack (3-5/5-3/3-3-5)

Executing Zone Option versus the Triple Stack (3-5/5-3/3-3-5)

Watch here: https://youtu.be/FGljsWmJGJk

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Utilizing Follow as a Pull Constraint off the Triple

Utilizing Follow as a Pull Constraint off the Triple

This diagram demonstrates how to utilize Follow to devastate Bear Bryant’s Okie Dog Pinch, which is still a common method to stopping the Triple Option. Follow v Okie Dog Pinch. PR- Deep Defender PA- 3 PT- Base PG- Base to Ace (v. 1/2i/2) C- Veer to Ace (v. 1/2i/2) BG/BT- Scoop BA- Pitch BR- Cutoff […]

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Take Action and Do These Five Tasks in 2019 with Your Flexbone Triple Program

Take Action and Do These Five Tasks in 2019 with Your Flexbone Triple Program

Success with the triple Option is at your fingertips if you do the following: 1- Teach People WHY People don’t buy what you do. People buy why you do it. When every company on the planet is telling you WHAT they sell and HOW you can buy it, successful people and companies are sharing the […]

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Dr. Cella’s Three Keys for Winning Flexbone Triple Option Football in High School

Dr. Cella’s Three Keys for Winning Flexbone Triple Option Football in High School

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Eight Pillars of the Flexbone Triple Football Program

Eight Pillars of the Flexbone Triple Football Program

As the leader of the Triple Option-based football program, your job is to do the following: 1- Limit tasks to the important. The average high school offense runs 48 plays/game.  Research has indicated that a play must be run at least four times/game for the play to be effective (NFL Run Study).  Run the Triple […]

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Running Triple v. Triple Stack Video

Running Triple v. Triple Stack Video

Watch here: https://youtu.be/JTJ7ngpmzqE

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Utilizing a Shift to Run Four Verticals

Utilizing a Shift to Run Four Verticals

Read here: https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2014/04/14/destroying-one-high-safety-defenses-with-over-brown-four-verticals/

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Six Ways to Mentally Condition Your Triple Option Athletes for 2019

Six Ways to Mentally Condition Your Triple Option Athletes for 2019

Read here: https://tripleoptionfootball.com/2013/12/23/how-to-mentally-condition-your-athletes-with-the-triple-option-offense/

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Fast Fact About Army’s Zone Option in 2018

Fast Fact About Army’s Zone Option in 2018

In 2018 Army’s positive yardage success rate on zone option was 96%. This means when Army ran zone option, Army got positive yardage on the concept 24 out of every 25 plays. So, when you Don’t get 4 yards on a give to the B-Back on Triple, Just. Run. Zone. Option. Have a great weekend. […]

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