Paul Johnson Backfield Drills

Paul Johnson Backfield Drills

Watch here: Learn how to run the triple option the right way the first time. Connect with Dr. Cella at 570.332.0265.

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Video: Utilizing the Follow in Multiple Situations

Video: Utilizing the Follow in Multiple Situations

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It’s Unbelievably Powerful to Be Different–But When You Are–You’re Part of the Solution

It’s Unbelievably Powerful to Be Different–But When You Are–You’re Part of the Solution

The Flexbone Triple Option Offense is a distinctive Offense. This is because 1.5% of all FBS schools run this unique offense.  In 2019, the 1.5% is Army and Navy. However, it’s unbelievably powerful to be different.  Because when you ARE different, great things happen. Army = #19 final ranking in FBS (2018) Navy = Bowl […]

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The Four Stages of Learning the Flexbone Triple Option

The Four Stages of Learning the Flexbone Triple Option

Stage 1- unconscious incompetence. This is when players don’t know what they don’t know. Stage 2- conscious incompetence. This is when players know something; however, they are unable to do the task yet because they haven’t practiced the task enough (ex. Triple Option). Stage 3- conscious competence. This is when players can execute the triple […]

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How to be the Difference Maker by Setting the Standard and Creating an Amazing Journey for Your Flexbone Triple Option Football Family

How to be the Difference Maker by Setting the Standard and Creating an Amazing Journey for Your Flexbone Triple Option Football Family

Make the difference by accepting the fact that you are going to run a set number of plays (Triple Option, Zone Option, Toss). Set the standard by getting great at the Triple Option, Zone Option, and Toss. Create an amazing journey by running live plays in practice and working on creating an urgent, accurate practice […]

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50% of Flexbone Triple Option Blocking Technique is Doing This

50% of Flexbone Triple Option Blocking Technique is Doing This

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Zone Option > Rocket Toss… Here’s Why

Zone Option > Rocket Toss… Here’s Why

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How Army and Navy Dominate on the Goal-Line

How Army and Navy Dominate on the Goal-Line

Watch the video right here: Interested in learning how to run the triple option offense the right way the first time? Connect with Dr. Cella at 570.332.0265

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Tim Stowers, Former Georgia Southern Head Coach, Discusses Running Triple v. 4-3

Tim Stowers, Former Georgia Southern Head Coach, Discusses Running Triple v. 4-3

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Systematic Blocking for the Offensive Line on the Triple Option

Systematic Blocking for the Offensive Line on the Triple Option

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