Triple Pass Compilation: Triple Option Football Academy Playbook

Triple Pass Compilation: Triple Option Football Academy Playbook

The following is the progression that is followed on Triple Pass: Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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Fixing the Pitch Phase of the Triple Option

Fixing the Pitch Phase of the Triple Option

Many times, the Backside A-Back’s pitch route is improperly timed. Most of the time, this is because of the Backside A-Back. The following is the procedure when running the pitch phase of the Triple Option. Alignment: Inside foot on the outside foot of the Playside Tackle 1 yard behind 1- Hammer step with inside foot […]

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The Key Block on the Counter Option

The Key Block on the Counter Option

The key block on the Counter Option is the Backside Guard’s Scoop technique on #1. This is a LONG scoop; however, this allows the Quarterback to turn vertically once he gets outside the Playside Tackle. Here is the Backside Guard’s Scoop Block on Counter Option Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 […]

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Dr. Cella to Speak at Pittsburgh Glazier Clinic on February 1st

Dr. Cella to Speak at Pittsburgh Glazier Clinic on February 1st

Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella is speaking at the Pittsburgh Glazier Clinic on February 1st. The clinic takes place at the Sheraton Station Square Hotel in Downtown Pittsburgh. He is speaking over a five-hour period.  Topics include the following: the Triple Option Football Program Process, Installing the Triple Option, and the Situational […]

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A Case for Fearlessness for Triple Option Football Coaches

A Case for Fearlessness for Triple Option Football Coaches

There are three points that demonstrate why the Triple Option Football Coach must be fearless: 1- A healthy dose of fearlessness fuels innovation and creativity. For triple option football coaches, being aware of risks and potential problems is important, but that information can either fuel our innovation and creativity or stifle it. This is YOUR […]

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Two Major Errors in Triple Option Tactics and Strategy

Two Major Errors in Triple Option Tactics and Strategy

There are two things that must be considered regarding Triple Option Strategy: 1- You get very few victories on Triple Option tactics.  You win every year by out blocking your opponent, perfect ball security, and efficient running. 2- Too many plays.  Subtract the number of different plays utilized in the game from the total number […]

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Five Errors in Triple Option Football Teaching Methods

Five Errors in Triple Option Football Teaching Methods

There are five errors in teaching the Triple Option: 1- Failure to maximize time.   There must be multiple drills to keep the high-arousal teenage athlete stimulated.  Practice Triple Option versus multiple situations and stick to the time schedule. 2- Explain the purpose of all new drills during meetings.   Triple Option players must know […]

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Building Morale with Your Triple Option Offense

Building Morale with Your Triple Option Offense

There are four considerations for morale building with the Triple Option Offense are right here. Once you get morale, it is easy to maintain. How to gain morale? Do what you say you’re going to do.  If you tell your players that we only run Midline to a 3-technique and then you start to “gameplan” […]

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Common Triple Option Coaching Errors and How to Avoid Them

Common Triple Option Coaching Errors and How to Avoid Them

There are four things to keep in mind before you ever install the Triple Option. The best Triple Option coach is the one who makes the fewest mistakes. The best Triple Option coach educates through a process based on organizational management. Doing the X’s and O’s on Triple Option run constraints is not the most […]

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Triple Option Football Academy: Offensive Line Scoop Block Compilation

Triple Option Football Academy: Offensive Line Scoop Block Compilation

The following provides coaches with all necessary Scoop block situations:         Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Coaches 2014 Triple Option Football Academy Camps with Dr. Cella

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