How Much Do You Know about Midline Lead? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz Answers

How Much Do You Know about Midline Lead? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz Answers

The quiz can be found here. 1- Read #1 (3-technique), Pitch #2 2- Fan (overhang player) 3- Fan (5-technique) 4- Veer (inside) 5- Ace (with Backside Guard) 6- Ace (with Center) 7- Scoop 8- Cutoff 9- Mid Path 10- 3, safety Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches

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How Much Do You Know about Midline Lead?  Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

How Much Do You Know about Midline Lead? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

The following 10 questions deal with Midline Lead: 1- What is the Quarterback’s assignment? 2- What is the Playside A-Back’s assignment? 3- What is the Playside Tackle’s assignment? 4- What is the Playside Guard’s assignment? 5- What is the Center’s assignment? 6- What is the Backside Guard’s assignment? 7- What is the Backside Tackle’s assignment? […]

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Triple Option Football Academy on Facebook

Triple Option Football Academy on Facebook

Join the Facebook page on the Triple Option Football Academy–information on the Triple Option Offense is found right here. Triple Option Football Academy — Online Education for Football Coaches

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Triple Option Football Academy — The Big Idea

Triple Option Football Academy — The Big Idea

THE BIG IDEA IN 152 WORDS —–>     When it comes to delivering victories, it’s not hard to understand offensive football: blocking and perfect ball security. This all gets done through implicit offensive execution. —–>     Why Do Coaches Need a New Method of Professional Development? The market for high school football coaches is changing.  Schools […]

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Triple Option Football Compilation: Four Verticals

Triple Option Football Compilation: Four Verticals

Throwing the ball vertically is the number one value of the Triple Option Offense. This is where you make the defense pay when they sacrifice pass coverage for run support. Here are examples of how to do this to blow the top off their coverage:                 Triple Option Football […]

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The Triple Option is Guaranteed to Work Against Every Defense… Including the 50

The Triple Option is Guaranteed to Work Against Every Defense… Including the 50

When running the Triple Option, the following rules ALWAYS apply: Playside Receiver- Near Deep Defender Playside A- Arc-Load #3 Playside Tackle- Veer (Outside unless “Ace” call; “Ace” call = inside) Playside Guard- Base to Ace (versus 1, 2i, or 2) Center- Veer to Ace (versus 1, 2i, or 2) Backside Guard/Tackle- Scoop Backside A- Pitch […]

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Who Gets the Ball? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz Answers

Who Gets the Ball? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz Answers

The quiz can be found here. 1- Quarterback, B-Back, Backside A-Back 2- Quarterback, B-Back, Backside A-Back 3- Quarterback, B-Back 4- Quarterback, Backside A-Back 5- Backside A-Back 6- Quarterback, Backside A-Back 7- Quarterback throws to Playside Receiver or Playside A-Back 8- Quarterback 9- B-Back 10- Quarterback throws to Playside Receiver or Middle A-Back Triple Option Football […]

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Who Gets the Ball? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

Who Gets the Ball? Triple Option Football Academy Quiz

This quiz is designed to see if you know which offensive players get the ball on each concept. On many of these concepts, more than one player has the ability to possess the football. Let’s see what you know. Who is designed to possess the ball on the following: 1- Triple Option 2- Zoom (Midline Triple) […]

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Three Steps to Getting Players to Move Faster in the Triple Option

Three Steps to Getting Players to Move Faster in the Triple Option

There are three ways to get your players to block the near deep defender faster, block #3 faster, veer faster, scoop faster, and run with the pitch faster. 1- Remove interferences to fast movement.  This all starts with a stance that maximizes fast movement. 2- Reduce unnecessary stress. Players must know their job cold.  The […]

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Read Your Way Out–To a Better Life–With the Triple Option and the Midline Option

Read Your Way Out–To a Better Life–With the Triple Option and the Midline Option

The Triple Option Offense is more than a formation. _________________________________________ Triple Option also means that you read your way out 40 percent of the time. So, are you going to read Defensive Linemen or block them? Georgia Tech and Navy run Triple and Midline 40 percent of the time, based on their own statistical analysis […]

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