December 14, 2014
The Navy Way Navy is a Division-1 football program with academic-based student-athletes. None of their football players are on an athletic scholarship. If they ran a traditional offense, their 260-pound Offensive Line couldn’t block the defensive linemen they’d face. Fortunately, they don’t, and because of this, they have gone to bowl games 11 out of […]
December 14, 2014
The following are the four variations of Midline run by Army and Navy: 1. Midline Triple 2. Midline Lead 3. Midline White (Playside A lateral steps and leads through the B-gap) 4. Midline Twirl (Playside A motions and leads through the B-gap) Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have […]
December 13, 2014
2014 Army-Navy Game–2nd Half Offensive Breakdown of Both Teams Here is the Offensive Breakdown for Army in the 2nd half: Down- 4 Trap- 3 Zone Option- 3 Midline Lead- 2 Triple Option, Midline Triple, Counter Speed, Midline White all run once- 4 Iso Pass- 3 Sprint Pass- 2 Rocket Pass and Rocket Reverse Pass all run once- 2 […]
December 13, 2014
Here is the Offensive Breakdown for Army in the first half: 28 total plays Triple Option- 4 Zone Dive- 3 Down- 2 Zone Option- 2 Midline Lead- 2 Follow- 2 Rocket, Iso, Down Option, Trap, Sprint Draw, Counter Option, Counter Iso, and Sneak were all run once- 8 Triple Pass- 2 Rocket Boot Pass, Dropback […]
December 13, 2014
These diagrams show you how to properly teach perimeter blocking versus a Cover 2 situation when executing the Triple Option: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out of Dr. Cella’s Triple Option Football System Over the Last Four Years Triple Option Football Academy Owner, Dr. Lou Cella, […]
December 12, 2014
When #1 takes the Quarterback on Triple Option, load him with the Playside Receiver and get the ball out on the perimeter with Double Flex Rocket Blast. This is how Double Flex Rocket Blast is run versus a 4-4 defense: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out […]
December 12, 2014
Eight (8) of Georgia Tech’s 2014 football games were evaluated: Georgia, Florida State, Miami, Virginia, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Pittsburgh, and Clemson. The following are the results of the study: Triple Option and Zone Dive (w/ “Pin” technique) were executed 271 of 598 possible plays. This was 45% of their offense in these eight games. […]
December 12, 2014
Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets Saturday, October 4, 7:30 PM Bobby Dodd Stadium, Atlanta, Georgia Georgia Tech- 28 Miami- 17 Georgia Tech total offensive plays- 82 Triple Option- 23 (28% of offense) Zone Dive- 13 (16% of offense) Counter Option- 5 (6% of offense) Rocket- 4 (5% of offense) Follow- 3 Counter Speed- 3 […]
December 11, 2014
When running the Triple Option, the Offensive Line must face the following looks in practice so that they can work against these varying situations. Use this as a guide in 2015 and practice Offensive Line blocking versus these situations: Two State Semifinalists, A State Finalist, and a State Champion in Texas have Come out […]
December 11, 2014
In this game on October 18th, Georgia Tech scored 43 points. (however, North Carolina scored 48) This is Georgia Tech’s Offensive Breakdown: Total Plays- 75 Triple Option- 24 (32% of offense) Zone Dive- 11 (15% of offense) Rocket- 8 (11% of offense) Midline Triple (twice), Follow (twice), Trap (once), Midline White (once), Counter Option (once), […]