December 30, 2017
In Navy’s huge bowl win versus Virginia (49-7), Navy was in a Flexed formation 99% of the time. This means they brought the Receiver in two yards from the Tackle. 63% of the time versus Virginia, Navy was in Double Flex: […]
December 30, 2017
In 2017, Army West Point had their best season in 22 seasons, and they were based out of two formations–Double Flex and Heavy. They were aligned in one of these formations, or a combination thereof, 95% of the time in their bowl win versus San Diego State. Double […]
December 27, 2017
The Trips formation creates a numbers advantage to the Trips side. This forces the defense to bring someone over from the backside to the formation-side to match numbers. Otherwise, the offense has the numbers advantage. If this is the case and they set the 3-technique to the formation-side, run Midline White.
December 26, 2017
Over Formation- This is the formation utilized versus one-high safety defenses to force the defense to declare themselves. The alignment is the same as the spread formation with the exception of the Backside Receiver splitting the difference between the Formation-side Tackle and the Formation-side Receiver. If the defense does not bring a defender from the […]
December 21, 2017
December 6, 2017
Read The Most Utilized Goal-Line Concept by the FBS Triple Option Schools Over the Last 15 Years right here.