Nine (9) Man Triple Option Football–Triple Option versus 5-2 Defense

Nine (9) Man Triple Option Football–Triple Option versus 5-2 Defense

Nine (9) man football is played in Minnesota and the Dakotas. The Navy/Georgia Tech Triple Option is the same in 9-man as 11-man.  In 9-man football, the Receivers are eliminated.  When this occurs, the defense’s Deep Defenders are eliminated as well. Here is the Triple Option versus the 5-2-2 Defense: Just as in 11-man Triple […]

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What the Playside Receiver Does on Triple Option versus No Deep Defender

What the Playside Receiver Does on Triple Option versus No Deep Defender

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Beating the Slant with Opposite Follow

Beating the Slant with Opposite Follow

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Utilize Triple Crack to Take Advantage of Defenses Keying the A-Back’s Movement

Utilize Triple Crack to Take Advantage of Defenses Keying the A-Back’s Movement

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Throw Triple Pass Flare When #3 is on the Line of Scrimmage

Throw Triple Pass Flare When #3 is on the Line of Scrimmage

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Win Big With a Small Offensive Line

Win Big With a Small Offensive Line

In 2015, Navy’s Starting Offensive Line averaged 275 pounds/player. 2015 National Champion, The University of Alabama’s Offensive Line averaged 315 pounds/player.   Navy’s 2015 Rushing Offense averaged 326 yards/game. Alabama’s 2015 Rushing Offense averaged 199 yards/game. Navy finished at 11-2 and had their best final record since 1963.  They did all this with a 275 pound Offensive Line and […]

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Georgia Tech Head Football Coach Paul Johnson on the Stack Defense and the Easy Stunt

Georgia Tech Head Football Coach Paul Johnson on the Stack Defense and the Easy Stunt

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Georgia Tech Head Football Coach Paul Johnson on the Quarterback and B-Back’s Role with the Triple Option

Georgia Tech Head Football Coach Paul Johnson on the Quarterback and B-Back’s Role with the Triple Option

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Eight (8)-Man Triple Option Football: Running Rocket Boot Pass versus 4-2 Defense

Eight (8)-Man Triple Option Football: Running Rocket Boot Pass versus 4-2 Defense

In eight-man football, Rocket Boot Pass is a great way to force the defense to cover all the vertical and underneath zones.  There is tremendous difficulty in playing the Triple Option and covering all the appropriate zones. When the Toss is faked, the Quarterback boots and throws to the Left End.  If he is covered, […]

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Triple Option Formations and their Purpose

Triple Option Formations and their Purpose

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