Answers to Triple Option Football Academy Offensive Line Quiz 2

Answers to Triple Option Football Academy Offensive Line Quiz 2

The quiz can be found here. This quiz is designed for coaches to demonstrate an understand of Offensive Line blocking rules in a variety of situations. 1- Veer (Outside UNLESS Ace call… Ace call=inside) 2- Veer (Always inside because there’s a 3-technique) 3- Ace (He and the Backside Guard Ace the Action Key… they must […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Offensive Line Quiz 2

Triple Option Football Academy Offensive Line Quiz 2

This quiz is designed for coaches to demonstrate an understand of Offensive Line blocking rules in a variety of situations. 1- What is the Playside Tackle’s assignment on Triple? 2- What is the Playside Guard’s assignment on Zoom (Midline Triple)? 3- What is the Center’s assignment on Lead (Midline Double)? 4- What is the Backside […]

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Triple Option Offense Playside Receiver Blocking Progression

Triple Option Offense Playside Receiver Blocking Progression

There are three primary situations for the Playside Receiver when blocking the Near Deep Defender.   ______________________ About The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never win a game. You need to understand why this disconnect […]

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Six Things Successful Triple Option Leaders Do Differently

Six Things Successful Triple Option Leaders Do Differently

1- They put relationships first.  There is an inherent focus on building relationship with the coaching staff and the Quarterback. 2- They know that meaning matters.  These coaches understand that the offense is more than a play… these coaches understand that the offense allows for 10 other people to live a better life because the […]

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Triple Option Football Coaching: Drilling the Backside of Counter Option

Triple Option Football Coaching: Drilling the Backside of Counter Option

On Counter Option, the Backside has a significant role. This segment focused on the Center, the Backside Guard’s initial path to Scoop #1, and the B-Back. The following are five scenarios that must be practiced when drilling the Counter Option. About The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive […]

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Triple Option Football Academy Offensive Line Quiz 1

Triple Option Football Academy Offensive Line Quiz 1

The following is a 10 question quiz about Offensive Line blocking in the Triple Option: a. Ace; b. Base; c. Fan/highwall; d. Gate; e. Scoop; f. Scoop #1; g. Slide; h. Superscoop; i. Veer; j. Veer In Choose the letter that matches the answer. 1. Which block is a backside block where the Offensive Lineman opens, runs past the threat in […]

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The Three Types of Triple Option Coach Leaders

The Three Types of Triple Option Coach Leaders

The instructor leader develops people for the future. This is where the coaches work diligently with FIRST and SECOND teamers.   The second team focuses on their perfect blocking, angles, and ball security as their time to shine is near.  These players are preparing as diligently as the first unit. The coercive leader demands immediate compliance. These […]

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The Three Types of Triple Option Student-Athlete Leaders

The Three Types of Triple Option Student-Athlete Leaders

The pacesetting leader expects and models excellence and self-direction. This is the player that scoops exactly as he is instructed.  He opens, runs past the threat in his gap, and vertically crashes without hesitation. The authoritative leader mobilizes the team toward a common vision and focuses on end goals, leaving the means up to each individual. This […]

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Triple Option Offensive Line Blocking Compilation: 2nd Edition

Triple Option Offensive Line Blocking Compilation: 2nd Edition

The following are more diagrams of scenarios Offensive Linemen face when blocking in the Triple Option Offense. About The Big Idea in 171 Words Here’s the problem.  If you can’t block defensive linemen, you’ll never move the ball, you’ll never score points, and you’ll never win a game. You need to understand why this disconnect […]

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Triple Option Football Process Step 4: Teach Everyone how to Practice

Triple Option Football Process Step 4: Teach Everyone how to Practice

The fourth step in the Triple Option process is to teach Everyone how to Practice in the Triple Option format… Practicing is pretty simple. The skill positions practice the following: Ball Security circuit Triple Drill 7-on-7 Drill Constraint Drill The Offensive Line practices the following: Footwork Choreography Scoop Drill Veer Drill Pass Pro Drill (Slide, Gate) […]

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